
Heta represents the very first permanent piece in the Lowe Furniture collection. Prior to this, all pieces had been custom designed to client requirements.


Heta is the perfect example of how beautifully and well-crafted piece can age.


This great table was named after one of Andrew Lowe’s dearest friends, Heta Gilbert; a full blood Tuhoe from Lake Waikaremoana, New Zealand, who sadly passed away just before Andrew’s company was launched.


The design remains one of Lowe Furniture’s favourite and most consistently demanded pieces.


Designed by: Andrew Lowe
Brand: Lowe Furniture 

Lead time: 8 - 11 weeks

Dimensions: Available in standard and customised

Finishes: Oak, Stained Oak, Walnut, Stained Walnut and custom finishes upon request

Downloads: Timber Stains